We are being told from many sources that the overall
consciousness of earth's population has reached a point
in evolution that is above many previous expectations,
especially considering our history. Because of this
change in consciousness, vibrational awareness and
understanding we have been given several new tools,
energy technologies, and healing modalities to utilize
for our further development. This may not be the only
reason that new tools have arrived on this plane at this
time. Considering the desperateness of our situations;
wars, politics, earth shift, environmental pollution,
etc. it is probable that we are being given divine help
as our last, best hope. The Internet is full of new age
gadgets and healing modalities. Our hardest job now is to put on
the hip boots and wade through them, to sort fact from
fiction, truth from falsehood, and reality from wishful
thinking. I have discovered one of these new healing
modalities that truly resonate with me, and I feel it is
of the highest importance to share this information with
others. It is called "Infinite Energy Rays."
I did not discover Infinite Energy Rays until I had
come to a strong inner realization that anything is
possible. When we are ready, the teacher will appear. My
experience of the Infinite Energy Rays has definitely
reinforced that realization.
My information on the origin of the Infinite Energy
Rays is still scant, but I will share what I have. They
were recently channeled (within the last ten years), by a
woman who lived in Tacoma, WA. She may have lived in
California when the channeling was actually done. (If
anyone knows has further information or corrections of
these facts, please email me promptly).
These 64 distinct rays were shown to her, and given to
us from the archangel realms and various ascended masters
(St. Germaine, Kwan Yin, Archangel Michael, Metetron,
Serapis Bey, and many more). They each have a different
vibration and thus a different feel when giving or
receiving them.
In the beginning was the "Word". The
"Word" was sound, light, or vibration. The
whole universe is vibration. Herbs, Homeopathy, chemical
medicine, Reiki, and others work as vibration. They work
precisely because their vibration is tuned to coincide
with what is needed to promote healing. Sometimes the
vibration is to counteract something discordant, and
sometimes is "like heals like." The 64 separate
rays give 64 separate vibrational patterns, but they can
be mixed in varying degrees producing
"infinite" possible variations of tuned
vibration. Lucky for us, we do not have to diagnose or
know exactly what vibration is needed. We can call upon a
higher power to mix them in precisely the correct amounts
appropriate for each case or client.
Many people are familiar with
which has now gained wide acceptance in the medical
community. We know that it relieves stress, and promotes
relaxation and healing in general, on all body levels
including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The
sensation most often reported by someone receiving Reiki
is a feeling of heat coming from the practitioner's
hands, often far beyond what would be expected by a
normal warm human touch. Each of the Infinite Rays has a
different feel. Some may be warm, some cool, some felt as
a buzzing, and one even feels much like a washing machine
agitator. Mixed together in different proportions, an
infinite variety of sensations are possible. They can be
called upon by number, by name, or mixed upon request.
If we consider that the energy from Reiki is a generic
"loving" energy that is good for nearly
everything, and always promotes harmony and healing, we
have something a little different in the Infinite Energy
Rays. They are specifically tuned rather than overall
generic. Medical science has a term called "Magic
Bullet" it applies to some of the new "designer
drugs" that target certain maladies. These rays have
the ability to target the necessary condition or need.
If someone is at all familiar with feeling the subtle
energies of something like Reiki, it becomes extremely
validating to feel the difference between some of the
Infinite Energy Rays. My demo of these Rays consists of
giving a couple of minutes of a particular Ray, then
switching to another, then another. With a couple of
minutes of each, and a verbal call for a switch to the
next ray the distinctions become quite clear.
The physical application of the Infinite Energy Rays
is quite similar to that of Reiki. The same hand
positions are used (unless intuitively guided to proceed
otherwise). Absentee healing is also a major benefit and
similarity to Reiki.
I strongly recommend that one has already completed
Level II Reiki, before being attuned to the Infinite
Energy Rays. This is mainly to benefit from the
experience of having already channeled subtle energies,
familiarity with distance healing, and hand positions.
Reiki attunements can also be a good reference for
what to expect with the Infinite Energy Ray attunement
process. Reiki attunements take a few minutes, can be
quite an amazing experience and life changing. The
Infinite Energy Ray attunement takes from two to three
hours. This is a very deep and thorough renewal process
that can be pleasant, emotional and exhilarating. If you
have already been Reiki attuned, you will find your Reiki
energy is vastly increased.
One of my favorite New Age sayings is: "Your are
limited only by your imagination." The application
of these Rays, on illness, emotional trauma, charging
water to create your own medicines, etc. is truly
limitless. You get the idea. "Infinite". |