Before our fall in
consciousness over thirteen thousand years ago, the
geometric energy fields around our bodies used to spin at
close to the speed of light, but have since slowed and
stopped spinning. When this field is re-activated and
spinning, it's called a Merkaba, a counter-rotating field
of light that affects spirit and body simultaneously.
Meditation Technique as given
to us by Drunvalo
Melchizedek is a very powerful
tool for transition, healing, manifestation, and
ascension. Utilizing an understanding of Divine Love and
Sacred Geometry we learn to re-activate these fields of
energy around our body, giving birth to our personal
Merkaba (time and dimensional vehicle). According to
Drunvalo, "its usefulness in this Reality is
unparalleled. It gives us expanded awareness of who we
are, connects us with higher levels of consciousness
(including our higher self), and restores memory of the
infinite possibilities of our Being."
This Merkaba gives us ultimate
protection as Earth goes through its changes, as well as
strengthening all aspects of one's life. The Merkaba is
activated through an ancient way of breathing and
meditation originally taught in the Egyptian Mystery
School. Through Love, breath and mudras (hand positions)
can remember how to turn on or restart our Merkaba -
actually spin the geometric energy fields surrounding our
An introduction to Sacred Geometry, the
geometric language of Creation, is used to understand the
form and purpose of these energy fields around our
bodies, and enables us to envision and experience their
movement. I present a minimal introduction to this
information in my Merkaba Meditation Workshop, as
thorough research into this subject could take a
lifetime. I present what I believe is the most necessary
to begin to practice the meditation itself.
If you have a basic understanding of
this information and a grasp of these shapes and concepts
then please follow this link to the
Merkaba Meditation
Technique page. I highly
recommend that you take the workshop to be sure of your
understanding of the foundations of this work, and
techniques for opening the heart chakra to the true
feeling of unconditional love used in generating the
energy fields of this Merkaba. I provide this information
as a reference, and because it is on the NET in several
other places. But again, this technique will be much more
effective and productive with the proper groundwork and
Because these energetic fields are
internally produced using "Divine Love", our
Merkaba field generates tremendous potential for healing
and manifestation. As Earth Changes occur and shifts to
the 4th dimension, our Merkaba vehicle may become
essential for retaining our memory patterns as Earth
loses it's magnetic fields. |